Friday, 17 January 2025

Maria Catterina Margherita Scetrini di Giovanni Beneda

 I was delighted to discover recently that the parish records for Corippo, Ticino, Southern Switzerland, have now been digitised from the parish microfilm that you used to be able to get in Family History Centres a long time back. Back then I ordered in the Corippo microfilm and wrote down as many 'likely' entries as I could, but it wasn't possible to get many images copied and printed. I will now be able to go through the parish records at a much more leisurely pace, and take screen shots as I wish...

Just as a sample of what is available, here is the 1839 baptism record of Maria Catterina Margherita Scetrini di Giovanni Beneda. She was the first sister born to Giuseppe Scettrini, my great-great-grandfather, who was born in 1835.

A rough translation follows:

Maria Catterina Margherita Scetrini di Giovanni Beneda
In the year of our Lord 1839, on the 25th day of February, Father John (priest?) of Locarno (by licence?) have baptised an infant (?) born of John Scetrini and Joanna Scilacci, legitimately (married?), and the name given was Maria Catherina Margherita.
Godparents were Antonius Scilacci (son Gugliermus?? not sure) and Joanna Maria wife of Joseph Codoni, all of Corippo.

It's found on Page 68 of the Family Search microfilm at:

Notice how the surname here is Scettrini di Giovanni Beneda. There were so many Scettrini families in Corippo that they were sometimes distinguished by a ‘nickname’- in this case Beneda for our Scettrini line. Giovanni is the father of Maria Catterina Margherita, and also of our Giuseppe. In some later entries, the surname is rendered Scetrini-Beneda, or even just Beneda.


Scettrini is the spelling used in Ticino today. In the registers/census etc in the 1800s, various spellings are used- depending on whether the entry is in Latin or Italian; and if in Latin, what case of the word is being used. I'm grateful for the three years of Latin I did in high school that has helped me to work out many of the parish entries.

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